David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., is pleased to announce the donation of an archive of vintage NASA material to the "Cottage School" by his firm
September 9, 2010
David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., is delighted to announce the donation of an archive of vintage NASA publications and photographs to the Cottage School.
Frohman arranged his firm's donation of a wonderful archive of vintage NASA documents and photographs of the pioneer American space program. This donation follows upon Frohman's March 3, 2010 appearance and lecture to the children on the space program at the school. During that lecture, Frohman brought in actual flown lunar artifacts for the children to examine, and to use as a unique working tool to inspire them about space exploration.
"This donation to the Cottage School's media center will help endow it with a wonderful teaching resource for the children", Frohman said, "and it was my great pleasure to arrange this for them".