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December 14, 2012

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc, is pleased to announce the sale of a Lunar Bible at Sothebys Book and Manuscript Auction for $56,250.00

December 14, 2012

David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., is pleased to announce the first sale of a Lunar Bible at a mainstream public auction. The Sale occurred when one of his complete gold-encased 1245-page Lunar Bibles sold at Sotheby's "Book and Manuscript Sale" in New York on December 14, 2012.

This particular Lunar Bible is also one of only twelve copies that were dual flight-certified by both astronaut Edgar C. Mitchell, who carried them to the lunar surface on Apollo 14, and James W. Stout, an official of the former "Apollo Prayer League Governing Committee".

The Lunar Bible was acquired by Steve Green at Sothebys for his world-renowned Bible collection, whose collection highlights are currently touring the United States as the "Passages Exhibit".

You may view the "Passages Exhibit" at .

The Lunar Bible will join the "Passages Exhibit" in Colorado Springs, Colorado this May, and then travel throughout the United States with the exhibit during 2013. The Lunar Bible is then expected to be a featured exhibit at the Vatican in Rome during 2014, whereupon it will then arrive at its final home in Washington, D.C. as a permanent featured exhibit at the new "Museum of the Bible".

You can learn more about the Lunar Bibles by reading The Story of the First Lunar Bible by David Frohman, which can be viewed at .

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