David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., honored by his selection as the official cataloger and appraiser of "The Stuart A. Roosa Space Collection"
January, 2012
David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., is honored to announce that his firm has been selected to catalog and appraise the personal space collection of Apollo 14 Command Module Pilot Stuart A. Roosa.
Peachstate's was selected by Roosa's son, Colonel Christopher Roosa, USMCR, Ret., to conduct the first complete cataloging and appraisal of his father's personal space collection for the Roosa family.
"I am honored to have received the opportunity to work for Colonel Roosa, and also hope to assist in the creation of a museum honoring astronaut Stuart A. Roosa", Frohman said. "Such a museum would allow the public to enjoy many of the wonderful artifacts that Roosa carefully preserved from Apollo 14 for future generations to cherish".