David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., honored by his selection as the official cataloger and appraiser of the "Apollo 1 Archive" for Apollo 16 Moonwalker Charles M. Duke, Jr.
December 8, 2000
David Frohman, President of Peachstate Historical Consulting, Inc., announced today that he was honored to have been selected by Apollo 16 Moonwalker Charles M. Duke, Jr. to officially catalog and appraise the "Apollo 1 Archive" discovered by Frohman earlier this year.
"I am extremely honored to have been selected to officially catalog and appraise what is likely the most historic American space archive ever discovered in private hands," Frohman said. "I am also delighted that my appraisal will lay the foundation for this archive to be donated to a suitable public institution for proper conservation and study", Frohman added.